Prior to the Shattering, Imsea was an inland sea with a navigable connection to the ocean in Romhai. After the Shattering, only the new archipelago known as the Shatterend separates it from the ocean. Imsea is less wild than other bodies of water on Antire, but still sees its share of big storms that drive fisher folk to seek shore quickly. The prevailing wind is from the east, driving moisture into the rain forest known as Imsea Wood.
Despite the nearness of the Shatterend pirate lairs, the relative lack of rich targets keeps their predations low. Only the route between Sopor and Joring and the route between Joring and Middlesea see regular traffic. Romhai guards those routes well to make sure the risk is not worth the pirates' reward. Pirates operating in the Imsea focus on land raids to net slaves rather than other wealth. Explicit slavery is illegal in the five provinces, but wealthy elites in Romhai still willingly buy new "serfs" without asking whether said serfs were snatched from another elite's manor or East Province and the Einean merchant houses only operate according to the laws of profits and losses.